"15 nuts to hold the body on, but only 2 nuts needed to remove it!" (Ray Whitehurst)
“I'm so glad they made the drive-train a low cost, field replacable unit!” (“geowilkins1”)
"I sure wish I had wiped the Crazy Glue off of my hands before grabbing this body!" (Dave Mounce)
“Changing the sparkplugs on the Regal was always rather a fiddly job.” (Barry Frost)
”..can’t lift a car,. I’ll show her!” (Zach Tyler)
"I took the doors off to make it lighter- they're in the back, bruv." (George Osbourne)
“To think I was born in the back of this” (John Copestake)
“You’re only meant to lift the bloody doors off” (Malcolm Norris)
"This'll wipe the smile off your face!!" (Alan Edgar)
"Car thieves caught in act stealing weird car piece by piece" (Barry Frost)
" Elvis has left the (re)building " (Terrys Model Cars)
" Ok , so it fits an Isetta chassis ... but can you steer looking over your shoulder ? " (Terrys Model Cars)
“Auto obstetrician delivering a new car.” (Edward Samson)
“Now when we get the doors on, we can sail it down the river” (Tony Johnson)
"Mental note, must buy a jack" (Joanne McGahey)
Three more lugs and I can change this flat tire!” (Larry Miller III)
That'll teach the wheel clampers! (Tony Johnson)
The following three were of many along similar lines. It seems most of you thought my brother was passing wind or delivering a baby.
"Who farted? Was that you, stinking like that?" (George Elliot)
"As the very nearsighted Dr. Payne continued to urge Mrs. Smyth to bear down harder, he suddenly realized, much to his chagrin, that this indeed was not his patient, nor was he in the delivery room!" (Douglas Tuttle)
“The birth of the very first 3wheelers.com model” (Jack Baten