Created in 2003 by Universal Studios for the film “The Cat in the Hat” based on a book by Dr. Seuss, S.L.O.W (Super Luxurious Omnidirectional Whatchamajigger) cost $1.2 million dollars to build.
The vehicle was custom built from the ground up and is powered by twelve 12-volt batteries attached to an electric motor with a top speed of 43 mph. The vehicle has a fibreglass body that is 23 feet long and sprayed aluminum with African mahogany paneling at the rear.
In the film the S.L.O.W is actually driven by a second person that is concealed behind the front seat whilst the rear view mirror was a camera connected to a monitor next to the driver so they could see where they were going. In addition a third person outside the vehicle would communicate with the driver warning of any objects outside the camera’s field of vision whilst a fourth person remotely operated various effects around the vehicle such as fog machine and a flame thrower through the exhaust. In 2009 the vehicle was auctioned off by the Volo Auto Museum in Chicago (USA) for around $300,000 - $600,000.