Honda US90

Honda US90


The one that started it all! The Honda US90

The 1970 Honda US90, known for its balloon tyres, & the ability to tear down quickly, to fit in the back of most cars. Clever marketing by Honda saw the little trike being touted as a ride anywhere/do anything machine, & it delivered. Through the '70's, highly modified versions of the US/ATC90 filled the grids at local tracks, until the ATC250R was released in 1981. Many of the US/ATC90 racers went on to become the pro's that we cheered on back in the day, & still revere to this day.

Seen at the Timonium Motorcycle Show

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Honda US90. The Honda US90 was a three-wheeled Recreational vehicle designed by Osamu Takeuchi. Development began in 1967, in response to requests from American dealers for products to sell in the motorcycle off-season. Takeuchi considered many variations before settling on a three-wheeled design with low-pressure balloon tires, driven by an enlarged Honda ST70 engine, through a 4 Speed Dual-Range Semi automatic clutched transmission

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